Winter Grow Space Tour – What’s Growing on? | The Barefooted Gardener

As many of you know I grow a fair amount of tropical & non hardy plants. But of course since I live in zone 6A, they can’t stay outside all year. So in today’s video I’m going to show you how I care for them over the winter. I try to automate as much of that grow space as possible, so utilizing timers is a huge help, so that the plants get consistent day length. I’ll schedule them to have about a 12 hour day, because by the time it starts to be spring time, the days should be getting close to that length anyway. So I don’t need to do much modification to make the “days” shorter or longer.

Many of my aroids had to be put outside in the cold because of a disease called mosaic virus which is a really nasty virus with no cure at the moment, although tissue culture can separate virus from infected plant. Just like with the Canna viruses, plants that are infected need to be thrown away. I will have a video out solely focusing on the mosaic virus. Just note that it will mainly be photos of my plants so that you guys can get an idea of what it is.

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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