Wild Your Garden LIVE – Episode 1 – Introduction and Q&A

Gardening For Wildlife – Join me for the FIRST episode of WILD YOUR GARDEN LIVE! Want to know more about attracting wildlife into your garden or green space?
Apologies for the quality of this stream in a few places, the sound is fine throughout and I will have fixed the clarity for the next session on 31st January at 3PM (GMT).
Thank you for watching and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and turn ON the notification “bell” to get the latest video updates.

To find out more about how you can help wildlife, what I do to help wildlife and to follow my work, please see the following accounts:

Wild Your Garden – “Create a sanctuary for nature” – My latest book on how you can help wildlife in your own garden and how to install all the habitats that your local wildlife will need to thrive. Complete how to’s and step by step guides. Buy your copy through any reputable book shop or online here:


Hazelwood Landscapes – Where you will find photographs and case studies of some of the projects I have undertaken over the last 15 years and how you can enquire if you would like any advice / help with your own garden:




For consultations, talks, television enquiries, design workshops, landscaping enquiries, film making and book enquiries, please visit:

Finally, please subscribe to the channel to help me raise awareness about the importance of helping wildlife in your own gardens and green spaces and to get notified when I upload the latest videos.

Thank you for watching and if you have any suggestions for future videos, please comment on the video or get in touch via one of the platforms above.

Many thanks,
Joel Ashton

#WYGEpisode1 #WildYourGardenLive #WildYourGarden #WildlifeGarden #JoelAshton #HowToMakeAWildlifeGarden #WildlifeFriendlyGardening #Wildlife #Garden #Nature #Gardening #Wild #LockdownGardening #Lockdown

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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