When to sow Tomato Seeds?

This is part 1 of the Growing Tomatoes from Seed series and covers tomato varieties, frost dates, & homemade seedling compost.

Although many people grow their tomatoes from small plants purchased from the garden center, they’re also fairly easy to grow from seed. Not only will it give you a fun gardening project in late winter but the range of tomatoes you can grow expands from a few types to hundreds.

This is the first video of a series on growing tomatoes from seed. This video will be followed by another tomorrow evening. Then in five to six weeks we’ll follow up with the next stage.

In part one we discuss the tomato varieties I’m growing this year, discuss frost dates, and making seedling compost. In tomorrow’s video we’ll sow seeds and get them in the electric propagator.

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#vegetablegardening #backyardgardening #growtomatoes

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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