Shade Screen Garden Tour // Gardening with Creekside

Shade gardens can have just as much fun as sun gardens! Join me as I walk you through a new shade garden at the nursery where our goal was to create a shade screen to hide the bulk mulch pile. While we may not have an instant privacy screen, we certainly will in a few years as these shade-loving shrubs grow, bloom, and thrive!

Plants Featured
‘White By the Gate’ camellia | Zones 7-9 | 10-12’ tall x 6-8’ wide
‘Professor Charles S. Sargent’ camellia | Zones 7-10 | 8-12’ tall x 6-10’ wide
‘Gold Dust’ aucuba | Zones 7-10 | 6-10’ tall x 5-6’ wide
‘BananAppeal’ illicium | Zones 7-9 | 3-4’ tall x 3-4’ wide
‘Florida Sunshine’ illicium | Zones 7-9 | 5’ tall x 3’ wide
‘L.A. Dreamin’ hydrangea | Zones 5-10 | 5’ tall x 5’ wide
‘English Roseum’ rhododendron | Zones 4-8 | 6-8’ tall x 6-8’ wide

Stay Connected with Gardening with Creekside


Nursery Hours
Thursdays – Saturdays 9am-4pm

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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