My Essential Garden Tools…and a new one perfect for the allotment

This piece is in partnership with Gardena, Europe’s leading brand of high quality gardening tools.

In today’s video it’s time to harvest the garlic and prepare a bed on the new half-plot to be planted with spring cabbage and brassicas. I’ll also be trying out a new tool that I was sent by Gardena. It’s one that I’ve not seen before and was really curious to try out.

For years I’ve kept just a few basic tools at the allotment. I’ve gotten by but it’s been difficult to add any more due to space constraints — I have a single space in the rack inside the shed.

That’s why I’m genuinely excited by the Combisystem — it’s a single handle and 80 different tool-attachments. Hoes, rakes, cultivators, you name it. With it I can replace 3/5 of my old tools AND be able to add specialty tools like the lawn edger to the mix. I’ve always wanted one but couldn’t justify it before.

There’s more information on the Gardena’s Combisystem and all the attachments here:

Other videos mentioned:
Winter Solstice in the Garden: Christmas potatoes, planting garlic, and a visit to a Neolithic Tomb

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#backyardgardening #allotment #vegetablegarden

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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