How To Grow Cape Gooseberry/Rhasbari/Physalis Peruviana/Golden Berry From Fuit

The fruit is named as Cape gooseberry because it is first cultivated in Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. It is known by different names in different countries of the world. It is known as Inca berry, Golden berry, African ground berry, Peruvian ground cherry, Peruvian cherry, Inca berry, Uchuva, Chinese lantern, Aztec berry, golden berry, giant ground cherry, etc. The different names of rasbhari across the world are as follow:
 Botanical name: Physalis peruviana
 Cape gooseberry: South Africa
 Pokpok: Madagascar
 Poha: Hawaii
 Rasbhari: India
 Aguaymanto: Peru
 Uvilla: Ecuador
 Uva: Colombia
 Harankash : Egypt
 Amour en cage: France
 Physalis: UK

Amazing Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses of Rasbhari (Cape gooseberry)
•The polyphenols and carotenoids provide the berry its anti oxidant and anti inflammatory properties which provides for reduction in the risk of diabetes, hypertension and lung cancer.
•The Vitamin A keeps the vision strong, prevents the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration and maintains skin health.
•Pectin content helps in calcium absorption and along with phosphorus keeps the bones strong.
The pectin also regulates the intestinal health
•It boosts immunity levels, cleanses the blood and also controls amoebiasis.
•The golden berry has a good proportion of pectin, which helps in calcium as well as phosphorous absorption thus good for making the bones stronger. It is also used in treating of rheumatism and dermatitis.
Raspberries are considered excellent for diabetics as they contain a low calorie sugar substitute called Xylitol. This is an equivalent to 9.6 calories as compared to 1 teaspoon of sugar with 15 calories in it

Tips for growing cape gooseberries:-
Sowing: Sow in spring, February to April
Sow indoors only just covering the seed. Germination usually takes place quickly and freely. Prick out the seedlings into individual pots of fairly rich soil when they are large enough to handle and plant them out after the last expected frosts. Consider giving them some protection such as a cloche until they are growing away well.
The plant is usually naturally bushy, but it can be useful to pinch out the growing tip whilst the shoots are less than 30cm tall in order to encourage side shoots
In areas where frost may be a problem, providing the plant with some protection. Individual plants are small enough to be fairly easily covered during cold snaps by placing plastic sheeting, etc. over a frame around them. Plastic row covers will also provide some frost protection for larger plantings. Potted specimens can be moved to a frost-secure area.

The plant likes a sunny, frost-free location, sheltered from strong winds.
Very good crops are obtained on rather poor sandy ground. If the soil is too rich it encourages leaf production at the expense of fruiting. Even moderate fertiliser tends to encourage excessive vegetative growth and to depress flowering. High yields are attained with little or no fertiliser. Branching plants can attain 1 to 1.8m (3 to 6ft) in height,

The plant needs consistent watering to set a good fruit crop, but can’t take “wet feet”. Where drainage is a problem, the plantings should be on a gentle slope or the rows should be mounded. Irrigation can be cut back when the fruits are maturing. The plants become dormant during drought.
Stake as necessary. Very little pruning is needed unless the plant is being trained to a trellis. Pinching back of the growing shoots will induce more compact and shorter plants.

The flowers are a bit like potato flowers but soft yellow. After the flower falls, the calyx expands, forming a straw-coloured husk much larger than the fruit enclosed, which take 70 to 80 days to mature. As the fruits ripen, they begin to drop to the ground, but will continue to mature and change from green to the golden-yellow of the mature fruit. The unripe fruit is said to be poisonous to some people. Cape gooseberries are self-pollinated but pollination is enhanced by a gentle shaking of the flowering stems or giving the plants a light spraying with water.

The fruit is harvested when it falls to the ground, but not all fallen fruits may be in the same stage of maturity and must be held until they ripen. Properly matured fruits will keep for several months.
Remember that it comes from the same botanical family (Solanaceae) as the tomato, potato, sweet peppers and chillies. Eat only ripe fruits, all vegetation is poisonous

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Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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