How To Grow Apple Ber or Jujube Fruit in Container

Ber is the Urdu name for the fruit of the tree Zizyphus vulgaris, or mauritania or sativa and is called the jujube berry in English. It is also known as the Indian jujube or Chinese date. Apple Ber is a Thailand variety ber. The taste of these ber is very sweet. The weight of each plum is about 100-200gm. It looks similar to green apples. That is why seed is known as apple plum. This kind of plant starts giving fruits after 6 months. It gives fruits twice in a year. Plums are produced mainly December to January. This tree gives 25-30kg fruits during first year and in the second year itgives 40-45kg fruits. It is a new variety fruit in the present market and it is attractive too. In big cities of India these fruits can be sold.
The fruit has been used in traditional medicine as an emollient, expectorant, coolant, anodyne and tonic and has been used as an antidote for aconite poisoning. It is given to relieve abdominal pains during pregnancy and can be applied to wounds when used in a poultice.

DAIZZ’S Medicinal TIP:-

The leaves can be used as a laxative and for throat problems as a decoction and the same liquid can also be used for skin problems. The roots have wound healing properties too.

Medical researchers have found a “new” flavonoid in ber called zivulgarin and trials are underway to discover how it might benefit us. Oleamide found in an extract of Zizyphus jujube has been found to help fight Alzheimer’s disease, and help the cognitive processes.
It has been found that there is saponins in he leaves and vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid in the fruit, as well as the B-complex vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin and pectin. It has immunostimulant, antioxidant and wound healing properties, and pectin is known to be useful in cases of diarrhea. The fruit also helps lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Some of the triterpenoic acids isolated from the fruit are also believed to be useful in fighting cancer and HIV.

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Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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