Home Garden Work: greenhouse, garden arch, & apples

I found a time between stormy days to continue work on the new back garden. First off, trying to clean the caked on shade paint from the greenhouse glass. White spirits seems to take some of it off but not the more thickly applied paint. So it’s back to the drawing board to consider more options.

Storm Ali has been whipping up a storm on the Island this week and has managed to knock quite a few of my apples to the ground. I’m collecting them in my basket today and am planning on using them for some upcoming DIY videos. Apple pie for starters!

I also have a look at the area behind the greenhouse to see if it would be a good place for a composting area. Please chime in on what you think could be a good solution.

Lastly, I take down the old rotten ‘arch’ above the garden gate. I have a new one ready to go in very soon. I’m also going to paint all the outdoor fence woodwork before winter. Not only to spruce it up but to protect the wood from the elements. I begin by testing the paint I chose on the back of the garden gate.

In this video:
✽ PARTIALLY cleaning the paint off the greenhouse glass
✽ Picking windfall apples
✽ Considering composting ideas for the back corner of the garden
✽ Taking down the old garden ‘arch’
✽ Testing paint on the back of the garden gate

Questions for you:

— I’m planning on releasing a shorter, DIY focused video every week in addition to my normal Sunday video. Is this something that you’d like to watch?
— What do you think I should do about converting that paved over back corner into a compost station?
— Any more ideas on ways to clean the greenhouse glass?

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#gardening #backyardgarden #gardendesign

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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