Fruit Tree Grafting for Beginners

Last week I spoke about how who I plan my orchard of food producing perennials. Near the end of that video I spoke about the fact that you can increase the number of varieties you have through a process called grafting without having to plant another tree.
Today I am going to go through collecting and graft new varieties to my existing plants.

There are plenty of grafting techniques with including, Whip, Cleft, Side, Bud and Bridge graft. Before I do any grafting I like to research the techniques just to make sure I am refreshed. Sites like the University of Minnesota do a great job outlining the methods. [1]

0:37 Combination Fruit Trees
1:10 Grafting with in the Family
1:31 Definition of Rootstock and Scion wood
1:41 When the rootstock plant is ready
2:06 Scion harvest and storage
3:04 Grafting Tools
3:24 Grafting techniques
3:41 When is the best time to Graft
3:55 Cleft Graft Technique
6:07 What is a Bud Graft
6:24 Successful Graft and Time to fruiting
7:00 Benefits of grafting (fertilization, varieties, harvest time)

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[1] University of Minnesota Grafting Resources Site:

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Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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