February Garden Jobs

We’ve moved past the beginning of the year and are heading into the first month that we can really start seed sowing. There are also bare-root strawberry plants to get in, potatoes to chit, and garden projects to complete. Time to get moving, since the growing year will soon be upon us.

In this video, I share how and why I’m potting up bare-root strawberries individually, and go through some of my February garden jobs. I also share other ideas that you can be doing in your garden in February.

âž¡MORE February Garden Jobs: https://lovelygreens.com/february-garden-jobs-vegetable-garden/

🌿 Question for you: Where is the main place that you start your seeds? Under grow lights, the greenhouse, a cold-frame, direct in the soil, or on the window sill?

For more information on how to grow seeds undercover, including information on grow lights and propagators, visit: https://lovelygreens.com/starting-seeds-indoors-grow-lights/

🌿 Recommended videos
🥕 How to divide Rhubarb: https://youtu.be/hlWJulRuO-s
🌼 Building Raised Garden Beds: https://youtu.be/EO0C37CeNdY
🌻 Smart Way to Sow Seeds: https://youtu.be/mnyig4oe6As

🌿 Preorder my new book, A Woman’s Garden: https://lovelygreens.com/a-womans-garden-grow-beautiful-plants-and-make-useful-things/

🌿 Get my Calendula for Skincare Ebook: https://lovelygreens.com/calendula-a-guide-to-growing-using-it-in-skin-care/

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#allotment #vegetablegarden #gardening

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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