Easy Ways to Refresh Tired Plantings | Gardening with Creekside

As July comes to a close I want to share a few easy ways to refresh any tired plantings you may have. We are still running great deals on annuals and have a wonderful selection of perennials that can get you through the end of summer.

🪴 Our Amazon Store https://www.amazon.com/shop/gardeningwithcreekside (we receive a portion of each purchase you make)
🪴 Use coupon code GWC10 for 10% off your order at https://felco.com/
🪴 Power Planter Drill & Augers
All-inclusive kit with drill and augers we use: https://powerplanter.com/drills-and-augers/heavy-duty-augers/ultimate-heavy-duty-professional-landscaper-kit-hd-tips/ref/13
Drill https://powerplanter.com/drills-and-augers/drills/dewalt-dcd130t1-60v-max-mixer-drill/ref/13.
5″ auger with the heavy-duty tip https://powerplanter.com/drills-and-augers/all-augers/528-quart-plant-auger/ref/13
9″ auger with the heavy-duty tip https://powerplanter.com/drills-and-augers/heavy-duty-augers/ref/13

Stay Connected with Gardening with Creekside
🌿 Website https://www.gardeningwithcreekside.com/
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🌿 Email jenny@gardeningwithcreekside.com

Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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