Christmas Gifts Nursery Tour // Gardening with Creekside

The Christmas season has officially arrived! Creekside Nursery has Christmas gifts that you will find nowhere else that are perfect for those hard to buy people in your life (you know who I’m talking about!). We have a wide selection of handmade stained glass from our local artist Chris Mills, beautiful wind chimes from Bottle Benders, and gorgeous glazed ceramic pots (both AquaPots and traditional planters) from Michael Carr designs. Also, for two weekends only we will be running a special on Espoma Organics’ Land & Sea Compost. Come stock up on this widely popular soil amendment while prices are low!

The nursery will be open for only two more weekends in 2020!
December 4 & 5 9am-3pm
December 11 & 12 9am-3pm

Stay Connected with Gardening with Creekside


Creekside Nursery
181 Pine Hollow Dr
Dallas, NC, 28034

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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