5 Tips for a SUPER BUSHY Pothos Plant!

Growing a HUGE pothos plant with bushy, big leaves and a vining habit is pretty simple, provided you take note of these 5 tips. We often forget that Epipremnum aureum is a vining, vigorous grower in its natural habitat. So mimicking that habitat as well as some pruning and propagation techniques will keep your pothos looking bushy and full for years to come.

SPONSOR: Espoma Organic

Espoma Organic is a 90+ year company that’s been organic from the start, producing the finest-quality organic potting mixes, soils, and fertilizers for your indoor and outdoor garden. I particularly like the Indoor Potting Mix with Myco-Tone for water retention and root health.


→ Full Article: https://www.epicgardening.com/how-to-make-pothos-fuller/
→ Epic Harvest Apron: https://findaprons.com/collections/full-aprons/products/harvest-apron-designed-in-partnership-with-kevin-espiritu
→ Espoma Indoor Potting Mix: https://amzn.to/2EwWdF9


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Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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