6 Different Ways To Compost, No Matter Where You Live

My fav worm composter: https://growepic.co/3f0Pr0o Composting is ESSENTIAL for gardeners, no matter how big or small you’re growing. In today’s video we’ll look at 6 different ways you can compost and their pros and cons. I’ve done every single method and have filmed many in-depth videos on these, so dive deep and up your composting game to EPIC levels.

1. Hot Composting
2. Cold Composting (Passive Composting)
3. Compost Tumblers
4. Worm Composting
5. Bokashi Composting
6. Direct Burying


→ Urban Worm Bag: https://growepic.co/3f0Pr0o
→ Bokashi Bran: https://growepic.co/3Rn5umb
→ Countertop Composters: https://www.epicgardening.com/best-countertop-compost-bin/
→ Compost Tumblers: https://www.epicgardening.com/best-compost-tumblers/


→ Shop Our Store: https://growepic.co/store


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Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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