Honeybee Threat: Danger of the Varroa Mite reaching the Isle of Man

Harry Owens, Chief Bee Inspector to the Isle of Man Government, worked for two years looking at every hive in the Isle of Man. Through his work, the island nation was declared a Varroa-free zone by the European Union/EC but now that status could be threatened.

News that a foreign colony of honeybees was brought to the island has reached his ears and he’s trying to find it before it causes the demise of up to half of the island’s bees. If this colony contains the parasitic Varroa mite, our honeybees, traditional beekeeping, and ecology will never be the same again.

This interview includes his plea for those who may have brought the hive(s) to the island to come forward and he tells what could happen if they do not.

To contact Harry Owens please email him at harryowens at manx.net or call him. His home number is +441624801315 and his mobile is +447624494246

Blog: http://lovelygreens.com/2016/02/honeybee-threat-danger-of-the-varroa-mite-reaching-the-isle-of-man.html

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Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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