Quick & Easy DIY Raspberry Trellis

Over the years I’ve had various supports for my raspberry canes. None have stood the test of time though. In this video, I share how I’ve built my new and much sturdier DIY Raspberry Trellis. It’s relatively easy and straightforward and needs just a few materials and tools to make.

Here’s even more winter vegetable gardening projects for January and February: https://lovelygreens.com/winter-kitchen-gardening-tasks-to-do-list-january-february/

And loads more DIY videos for the vegetable garden and allotment: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvcIjhASxid7E_Ng6NoNwMh5bvkVJgowr

Interested in how I make videos? Here’s my essential equipment*

Main camera https://amzn.to/2HHa3bp
Main camera lens https://amzn.to/2UUlbF7
Secondary camera https://amzn.to/2YgcUgC
Secondary camera tripod https://amzn.to/2JGxDqE
Microphone https://amzn.to/2Uh0fLv

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#backyardgardening #allotment #vegetablegarden

Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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