How I built my Chicken Coop | Keeping Chickens for Beginners | Backyard Hens

A walk around my chicken coop including how I built it, how to rodent proof it and what accessories I use. I show you how to build the run & the roof and also show you which hen house I bought and what I put on the floor.

Keeping chickens for beginners is such a rewarding hobby and if you get the basics right, you are well on your way to becoming a fantastic poultry keeper.

The things I use –
Drinker & Feeder (ample for 2-5 hens)
Hen house (up to 4 birds)
Wire Mesh 1mx25m (Really small holes)
124l Galvanised Bin
20kg Mixed Corn (lasts one month with 4 hens)

Links included are affiliated – that just means if you click on one and purchase a product, I receive a small commission fee from amazon.

#chickensforbeginners #chickencoop #chickenrun


Author: gardenrz_348d2d

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