Posted in Gardeners

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Planting out carefully raised seedlings or plants is a proud moment, but if you started them off indoors it’s important to take the time to acclimatize them to the outdoors if they’re to grow and produce well.

‘Hardening off’ is the process of getting indoor-sown young plants accustomed to life outdoors to ensure that the transition is stress-free and doesn’t stall growth.

In this short video we demonstrate the best ways to prepare your plants for the great outdoors and help them to settle into their new home with ease.

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If you love growing your own food, why not take a look at our online Garden Planner which is available from several major websites and seed suppliers:
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How to Harden Off Indoor-Sown Plants

Posted in Gardeners

Removal and renovation of a backyard pond and waterfall in Denville, NJ by Atlantis Water Gardens

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Waterfall & Pond Repair In Denville, NJ

Posted in Gardeners

Bluebells are the flower of May. These fragrant blossoms are wild but are often planted in gardens, especially in woodland areas.

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Continue Reading Bluebells, the Flower of May

Bluebells, the Flower of May

Posted in Gardeners

This week devastating wildfires burnt through Fort McMurray Alberta displaying nearly 100,000 people with limited notice. Those fires have galvanized a community, country and international community. While responding to the fires I have put off some my garden duties which I will get back to at least in part in this video.

Every spring as the weather warms I start by planting cold hardy crops in march and continue to plant directly into the garden all the way through the season. Some plants however such as tomatoes and peppers do better with a head start in the grow room. As the weather warms it is time to move my warmer weather crops outside for the year.
There is however a little more of a process to follow then just taking the plants outside.
I start hardening off my plants when night time temperatures no longer drop below 5c or 41F bringing them in over night if the temperature is expected to drop below that.
You will want to find the shadiest location in your yard and add put your plants there. The sun outside is much stronger even on a cloudy day than grow lights or in a sunny window.
Over the next few weeks Ill slowly move them out into the yard gradually increasing the direct sun shine they get. This process usually takes me a two weeks.
After they have been acclimated to the sun you can plant them in your garden as long as the last frost has past.
It is important to water lots as the plants will need more now that they are outside and it will help reduce the stress on the plants.

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Continue Reading Fort McMurray Fire and Hardening Off Plants

Fort McMurray Fire and Hardening Off Plants

Posted in Gardeners

With spring in full swing in the northern hemisphere, Alexander in the Australian Urban Garden is headed into winter and is planning his spring garden and is looking to our amazing community for tips and tricks to get the most out of his next growing season.

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Donate to the Alberta Fires Appeal
All individual donations are being matched by the Government of Canada.

Continue Reading Australian Urban Garden planning

Australian Urban Garden planning

Posted in Gardeners

This small fountainscape water feature was in need of a little Love!

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Small Fountain Renovation in Randolph, NJ